
Environmental law of the RA

Author . Environmental public advocacy center
Year. 2000

Pages. 381

Ecological information includes legislatio and administrative rules along with data about environmental conditions and health and human security. Therefore, dissemination of information about environmental law will promote ecologial education, understanding of ecological rights, and the involvement of the public in the decision-making process and implementation of legislative requirements.

100 investment opportunities in Gilan province

Author . Gilan Province organization Economic Affairs and finance
Year. 2013

Pages. 361

Office 95

Author . Microsoft
Publishing house . Piter
Year. 1997

Pages. 979

Published by arrangement with the original publisher, Microsoft Press, USA.

Facts about Germany

Publishing house . Verlag
Pages. 192

Facts about Germany - is a reference book offering all sorts of up-to-up and erliable information about all aspects of modern life in Germany- be it business, culture, or politics.

PanArmenian Expo 2006

Օrganizers . Chamber of commerce and industry of RA
Pages. 190

The present action which is held for the second time at the initiative of the Chamber of commerce and industry of RA and Expocenter, attended by over 200 different organizations.