We are pleased to announce that the second phase of the three-year EU project called EU4Business:Connecting Companies to support textile industry SMEs has launched with the joint efforts of Yerevan Chamber of Trade and Industry and the European Union.  The project is managed by EUROCHAMBRES and funded under the EU4Business umbrella initiative of the European Union.  Within the framework of this new project Yerevan Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the European Union will closely collaborate with Unioncamere Piemonte (Italy), Chamber of Kaunas (Lituania) and Chamber of Chernihiv(Ukraine). 

Boosting sustainable economic development and supporting job creation has always been at the heart of EU funding projects.This implies helping SMEs – the backbone of the economy – to grow which is an essential criteria to create more stability in the region, and establish closer relations with the EU.  As the above mentioned tradition goes, the new EU4BCC project also aims to support sustainable economic development and job creation in the EaP countries by promoting increased trade, encouraging inward investment and fostering business links with companies in the EU. 

Project Objectives

  • Contribute towards the development of sustainable and equitable economic growth models in the EaP countries, which can generate more investments in textile industry and improve socio-economic conditions and employment opportunities for citizens.
  • Support capacity of sectorial Business Support Organisations (BSOs) to enhance EaP textile industry SMEs internationalisation, export capacities and access to new markets. 
  • Support textile industry SMEs towards trade, more specifically export towards EU countries.

Project Beneficiaries

  • The project will target BSOs from the 6 EaP countries: textile industry organisations, women entrepreneur organisations, chambers with a sectoral focus, clusters; they will work in partnership with their EU counterparts, in a peer-to-peer approach.
  • Textile industry SMEs from the EaP countries will also directly benefit from the actions, especially those with an international potential; they will receive training, coaching and opportunity for matchmaking with business from the EU.

Project Duration and Budget

The project will run through 2021-2023 and will support BSOs for various activities that will focus on the fulfillment of the Project objectives.

Third parties will receive up to €60.000 (maximum, based upon the nature and duration of the activities to be implemented).

How to apply

Candidates interested to apply are invited to submit an application in accordance with the rules set out in the call for proposals. 

The application form is composed of 3 parts:

  1. Application form
  2. Budget
  3. Technical Capacity 

Deadline to submit proposals:

FRIDAY 30 APRIL 2020 | 20:00 (Armenian time)

In order to submit your proposal please follow the link below:
